Thursday, March 26, 2015


"Art is the elimination of the unnecessary" -Pablo Picasso

Less is more. Simplicity is the ultimate sophistication. We have all heard these phrases time and time again, and may even think we agree.

But how many of us truly emobody this philosophy? More often than not, I work with folks who are very adamant about what they like. They’ll tell me based on one glance if they hate something or love, like it or just aren’t a fan.

Enter the philosophy of minimalism. It’s classic, it’s cool, it never goes out of style. What’s not to like? Minimalism is having a moment. People will like the look on others, but when it comes to themselves, it’s hard to grasp the concept. When out shopping, for instance. Shoppers are more likely to go for the embellished shirt or the printed scarf, versus the plain one. On it’s own, on the hanger, on the rack…it just seems more exciting. Plain equals boring in many minds.

But when you think of your clothing as a means of showcasing YOU – your face, your new haircut, your accessories (which are often repeated on a daily basis),  and more importantly:  your personality, your charisma, your beliefs, your occupation, your status - all the many things clothing can come to represent…  it’s important to remember that the apparel is often just the background, the border around the actual picture.  And if you bring in too many elements, if the package becomes too busy…the most important element gets lost. And that is you. 

So next time you are out and about...remember. Less can be more. And often is. Everyone is allowed to have those days, where more is more. But they should be an exception versus the norm. And in a day and age where everyone is trying to do "more", "less" can be a refreshing and often unexpected look that makes you stand apart from the crowd of tired "mores". 

And that is anything but boring. 

Wear the clothes, don't let the clothes wear you

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